Dart Games > 301
301 Darts Game
This game is the same game as 801 and 501 darts, just with fewer starting points. Having less points to start will make the game much shorter but it also doesn't allow much room for error. If you get behind in 301 darts it is hard to catch back up before the other team goes out and wins the game. It can be played with any number of individual players or teams where you rotate every other turn.
Rules for How to Play 301 Darts
Start by flipping a coin or shooting a dart for closest to bulls eye in order to determine who goes first. Each team will throw 3 darts per turn but the trick to this game is you must hit a double in order to officially start collecting points and also must hit a double to win the game. Hitting a double consists of the very outside ring on the board or a double bulls eye on the very center. Once you hit your first double, those points count and you total your points to count down from 301. Most players aim for triple 20s as it offers 60 total points and if you miss you are likely to still hit a single 20. You must also hit a double for your last throw in order to win. Once you score at least 101 points, you will be down under 100 and you should look at an out chart to help you strategize for your final throws. If you go under zero by scoring too many points or hit zero without scoring a double, you go bust. When you go bust you must forfeit the rest of your turn and restart the next turn with the same amount of points you started the last round with. Reading the Out Chart
The Out Chart is used to help you quickly select what to aim for when you have 100 points or less. Based on your remaining points out of the 301 total, look at the bold numbers on the chart to determine what you should aim for in order to close out the game. If you have 80 points left, you will see the best way to go out is hit a T16 (triple 16) and a D16 (double 16). This will total 80 points and your last throw is a double, so you would win the game. You will notice that every final throw on the chart requires a D for double because you are required to score a double to get out. We highly recommend that you purchase an out chart so you can play '01 games if your dartboard didn't come with one. |